Next date: To be announced as soon as possible
In Nepal you can experience Himalayan shamanism in its original tradition, unchanged for thousands of years. With my experienced local partner, Krishna Dai, you will travel to the villages of the primeval forests of Nepal and come into direct contact with the local shamans.
You will get to know the way of life of the Himalayan shamans and their way of working. You will have the opportunity to attend traditional festivals and ceremonies that are normally closed to strangers. The decades of Krishna’s work and the resulting friendships with the otherwise very shy shamans make this possible.
The Guru Shamans have agreed to pass on their ancient knowledge to interested people from the West. So there is the possibility for you to be taught Himalayan shamanism. This is mainly the teaching of healing mantras. These are thousands of years old and have remained secret until recently. Since most people in the Himalayan region are illiterate, this knowledge is still passed on exclusively in oral form, directly from the guru shaman to his students.
Designing a Journey
Do you want to travel with a group with pre-set dates and program? Or in a group on your desired date? Do you want to plan everything individually? All this is possible with us!
Interested people can dive deep into the spirituality of Nepal, visit the holy temples, monasteries and power places and experience not only shamanism but also Hinduism, Buddhism, yoga and traditional Nepalese medicine first hand.
In addition, there is also the possibility to book trekking tours in the Himalayas following the spiritual journey.
From 2022 we are planning to do joint trips again. I will announce the dates as soon as possible