“It is not the past that makes us who we are, but what we make of the past”.

In a world of ever-increasing manipulation, I am all about awareness and becoming conscious. It is important to recognize oneself and to live and decide freely and uninfluenced by the outside. Because: Time alone does not heal all wounds, rather the active and conscious confrontation in the “here and now” allows healing to occur. Our past and our actions in the present shape our future. In this way, we can escape fate and surrender to our destiny.
My destiny and life task is to accompany people in becoming aware and thus heal. Those who live their highest potential will lead a healthy life on all levels!
My path
Already from birth I was given tools by nature, which I did not understand at first and which often presented me with great challenges in my life. Over time I learned to deal with this great power, but also with the responsibility that comes with it, and accepted it with gratitude and humility.
In my early 30s, the greatest crisis for me at that time forced me to fully face my shamanic call. Deep initiation experiences in the Waldviertel and in the Dunkelsteinerwald as well as first encounters with the primal shamans were the result. From this ancient Neolithic field, embedded in the mythology of our European indigenous ancestors, I draw my power and knowledge.
In a Europe where our shamanic culture has been almost eradicated, I may, accompanied and selected by the spiritual world, make my contribution to revive and live this ancient knowledge.
My “spiritual” curriculum vitae in detail
- Beginning of my conscious spiritual path:
- Ongoing participation in various self-awareness groups. (bodywork, encounter, communication, conflict resolution…)
- First encounter with “Osho” and especially with his meditations.
- Participation in meditation groups and workshops at home and abroad:
- Wolfgang “Vadano” Berger, Psychotherapist, Psychologist, Spiritual Teacher – Hyrtlgasse, Vienna.
- Manfred S. Faisst
Psychologist, Inventor of Zencounter, Spiritual Teacher – Altbessingen/Germany
“Integrating meditation into my daily life”.
- Initiations in the Waldviertel and the Dunkelsteinerwald:
Encounters with primal shamans, conscious rooting and anchoring in the magical world.
- Accompaniment of meditation groups
- one year path with Udo Vucovics, Nagual Shamanism – Lower Austria
ethnotherapy, body-centered psychotherapy, shamanic and magical work, individual and group self-awareness
- Individual training with Anna Garbriss-Cordssen (Germany) – Lower Austrian magical and psychotherapeutic (Gestalt therapy) work
- • individual self-experience with Elfi Ribing, psychotherapist – Lower Austria
intensive individual retreats
- Training in reincarnation work with shaman Lisa Biritz (Hawai) – Vienna
- Shamanic trance dance
- Founding of the shamanic online portal “Shamanentum” on FB, with regular blog posts on shamanic, spiritual topics.
- First vision quest with country shaman Kurt Brückler – Styria
Visionary attainment of the necessary knowledge and authorization to hold shamanic sweat lodges through the spiritual world. - Further intensive single experiences, unaccompanied, in nature
- Darkness experiences, unaccompanied, in caves
- Accompaniment of shamanic groups in the form of workshops
- Beginning with shamanic sessions in individual settings
- Work in a group practice in St. Pölten (shamanic single sessions)
- Leadership of shamanic sweat lodges
- Advanced training in Trance Dance, Els van Sonhofen (Belgium) and Arnoudt Knecht (Netherlands) at the center “Wellspring”, Germany
- Accompaniment of “Shamanic Trance Dance” groups
- Intensive work with clients in individual settings and with groups in shamanic workshops
- Additional own practice in Kuffern, Lower Austria
- First students join me in the apprenticeship:
2 year path to becoming a “Shamanic Practitioner”. - Relocation of the own practice from Kuffern to St. Pölten
- Regular “Moonlight Drum and Dance”, Burgruine Aggstein, Lower Austria with Sebastian Wegerbauer
Shamanic trance dance and percussion sessions with up to 80 participants - Lessons in overtone singing with Tino Bogner, Vienna
- Second training cycle to become a “Shamanic Practitioner
- Study trip to Nepal to the Himalayan Shamans (Guruschamane Santa)
- Organization of spiritual trips to Nepal
- Regular “Moonlight Drum and Dance”, castle ruin Aggstein, Lower Austria with Sebastian Wegerbauer
- Waterfall meditation with Yamabuschi Christian Grübl, Lower Austria
- Hundreds of clients in individual settings and participants in various workshops
- Foundation of the “Waldschamanen-School“
- From a two-year basic course to shamanic initiation and beyond, everything is possible.
- Authentic, nature-based Donauland Shamanism, Lower Austria – Europe.
- Organization of spiritual journeys to Nepal
- Regular “Moonlight Drum and Dance”, Aggstein castle ruin, Lower Austria with Sebastian Wegerbauer
- Moving to the “Alm” in Mainburg as a place of work
- Start of the 1st advanced cycle
- Report by Heidi Rietsch about European Shamanism with me as the main character
- Ongoing supervision and individual self-awareness with Petra Burmetler
- Start of my YouTube channel “Der Waldschamane”
- Continuation of the advanced cycle 2nd year
- Start of 4th course to become a practitioner
- The “Cosmic Spirituality” becomes a fixed part of my lessons
- Introduction of the “Shamanic Trauma Work” into the individual work (My interpretation and development of the shamanic work)
- Regular workshops on the mountain pasture – trance dance – sweat lodge etc.
- Long-term securing of the location Dirndlalm, as place of the forest shaman school
- Workshop in overtone singing with Wolfgang Saus
- Start 5th course to become a practitioner
- Continuation advanced cycle 3rd year
- Traditional Shamanic Work – Individual Reatret on the Alm
- Start training course in Germany Chieming
- Intensification of the Alm Retreat as a place for self-awareness and restoration of health
- Further training with Wolfgang Saus in overtone and singing/voice training
- Intensive self-awareness through illness
- Ongoing self-awareness with Petra Burmetler
- Start of 6th course “Shamanic Practicing
- The first students finish the advanced cycle – continuation of the advanced cycle 4th year
- Start “initiation years” of first students in the forest shaman school
- First training cycle in Germany Chieming was completed
- Europe-wide protection of the brand Waldschamane in word and image
- Development and completion of space and aura spray (own brand)
- Trance Dance becomes Ecstatic Trance – ongoing workshops
- Founding of the “Center for Holistic Health” and its integration into the Waldschamanen School